Click here for information on various sports and physical activity initiatives developed by First Nations communities in Quebec.

Building communities skateholders and coaches capacity
A whole range of tools and resources to make your job easier
Following are resources and organizations that can offer vocational support to coaches, athletes and sports and physical activity facilitators.
Each year the Aboriginal Sport Circle presents the “National Coaching Award for Indigenous Excellence in Sport” to one female and one male Indigenous coach who demonstrates exemplary integrity in their approach to coaching.
The awards are presented at the Annual Petro-Canada Sport Leadership Awards Gala, hosted by the Coaching Association of Canada.
The Tom Longboat Awards were established in 1951 to recognize Aboriginal athletes for their outstanding contributions to sport in Canada. With a few exceptions, the Awards have been given out every year since its inauguration. It remains the longest standing and one of the most prestigious awards for the Aboriginal athletes in the country.
As a program of the Aboriginal Sport Circle, the Tom Longboat Awards provide a forum for acknowledging the growth and strength of the Aboriginal sport movement in Canada and its tremendous impact on the sport development from community level participation to elite level competition. The Awards include a male and female category.
The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) unites stakeholders and partners in its commitment to raising the skills and stature of coaches, and ultimately expanding their reach and influence. Through its programs, the CAC empowers coaches with knowledge and skills, promotes ethics, fosters positive attitudes, builds competence, and increases the credibility and recognition of coaches.
FitSpirit is a Quebec-based, not-for-profit whose mission is to encourage teenage girls to be physically active throughout their lives, by offering a unique set of tools and resources for schools with girls 12 to 17 years old.
Champions for life is a charitable organization dedicated to helping children to develop physical literacy through their schools, communities, and families – especially in at-risk communities. It helps children in the critical early years of development to acquire the fundamental movement skills so that they have the confidence and motivation to play and be active throughout their lives.
Sport’Aide is an independent non-profit organization which offers guidance, support and orientation services for young athletes, but also to the various players in the sporting world (parents, coaches, sport organizations, officials and volunteers) who have witnessed violence against young people.
Sport for life is a nationally recognized non-profit organization. It consists of sport and physical literacy experts with the long-term vision necessary to be catalysts for lasting change within the sport and physical activity ecosystem.
Pour consulter la liste des fédérations de régie sportive reconnues par le MEES pour la période 2020-2023, cliquez ici.
La Direction du sport, du loisir et de l’activité physique élabore, gère et évalue les politiques et les programmes du ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (MEES). Elle effectue aussi des recherches dans ces domaines.
Elle fournit une expertise technique et professionnelle (conseils, concertation, coordination, encadrement, etc.) aux diverses clientèles relativement au cheminement de certains de leurs dossiers, gère des programmes d’aide financière, et conçoit et met en œuvre différentes activités de promotion des athlètes, des cadres sportifs, des programmes et des politiques.
L’Association québécoise pour le loisir des personnes handicapées (AQLPH) est un organisme sans but lucratif qui agit à titre de chef de file de l’accessibilité à une expérience inclusive de loisir de qualité, c’est-à-dire à l’accessibilité à des lieux et à de l’équipement, à une pratique sécuritaire qui permet une mobilisation des potentiels de la personne handicapée et à des interactions sociales enrichissantes et réciproques.
MOVE 50 + est une plateforme interactive regroupant une variété de capsules vidéo d’entraînement et d’articles d’information santé spécialement conçus pour les besoins des personnes de 50 ans et plus.
Sport bien-être est un organisme qui fait la promotion d’un environnement sportif sain et sécuritaire pour les jeunes athlètes. Grâce à la diffusion de l’information et à des mesures de sensibilisation, il aide les membres de la communauté sportive (athlètes, parents, entraîneurs, administrateurs, et autres intervenants) à comprendre, à gérer et surtout à éliminer la violence en milieu sportif sous toutes ses formes.
SPORTSQUÉBEC assume le leadership du sport fédéré au Québec par la promotion et la défense des intérêts de la collectivité sportive, ainsi que par la gestion de programmes sportifs québécois et canadiens.